Our Staff Directory lists the contact information for all City of Moorhead departments and divisions. You can click on a staff member's name (in blue) to see more details, contact info and a link to send an email to them. We do not directly display staff email addresses, as it leads to a huge increase in the amount of spam email that we receive.
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Community Development
Economic Development
Human Resources
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Parks and Recreation
Public Housing Authority
Public Works
Staff Title Departments Phone Affield, Randy Street / Sanitation / Fleet Manager Public Works 218.299.5348 Atkins, Jonathan Traffic Engineer Engineering 218.299.5388 Baas, Victoria Office Specialist Parks and Recreation 218.299.5340 Bode, Lisa Governmental Affairs Director Administration 218.299.5434 Bradshaw, Andy Utilities Engineer Wastewater 218.299.5385 Brandenburg, Sean Parks and Recreation Department Director Parks and Recreation 218.299.5517 ext. 3 Bratlien, Todd Transfer Plant Supervisor Public Works 218.299.5464 Cameron, Brittany Assistant City Planner Community Development 218.299.5333 Crabtree Nayes, Andrea Utilities Engineer Wastewater 218.299.5387 Dauner, Rick Golf Course Superintendent, Village Green Parks and Recreation 218.299.5365 Detloff, Mike Lieutenant Police 218.299.5203 Discher, Melissa Recreation Program Supervisor Parks and Recreation 218.299.5559 Fiechtner, Paul Public Works Director Public Works 218.299.5421 Franklin, Dawn Figure Skating Coordinator Parks and Recreation 218.299.5343 Griffin, Michelle Assistant Facility Specialist, Hjemkomst Center Parks and Recreation 218.299.5515 ext. 2 Grimm, Todd Golf Course Superintendent, The Meadows Parks and Recreation 218.299.5243 Huston, Robin City Planner/Zoning Administrator Community Development 218.299.5374 Jenkins, Kelle Deputy City Clerk Administration 218.299.5352 Jensen, Jay Maintenance Supervisor Wastewater 218.299.5489 Johnk, Ethan Assistant City Planner Community Development 218.299.5316