Police Tip Line


If you have witnessed a crime, have any information on a crime, or have any information about someone with an outstanding warrant we would appreciate your help. Please provide the following information to the best of your ability. If you have more information beyond the scope of our questionnaire or you would like to speak with an investigator, please call us at 218.299.5120. If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1. 

Please correct the field(s) marked in red below:

Suspect Information

Name, Nickname(s) and/or Aliases

Height, weight, beard, bald, tattoos, etc., or other relevant information about the suspect you want us to know.

Address Where They Live
Their Phone Number
Their Pager or Cell Phone Number
Area Where They Live
Type of Vehicle They Drive

License Plate of Their Vehicle
Please include the State and plate number.

Make, Model, Year and Unique Identifiers of Their Car
Where do they Work?


Gang Affiliation
Name of Their Boyfriend or Girlfriend
Names of any of their Family Members
Places that they Frequently can be Found

The Crime

What is the crime they have committed?
You can include the Who, What, Where, When and Why.

Safety Issues

Does this person carry weapons?
Are there any other identifying characteristics that make this person stand out?
If you wish, you may leave your name and phone number. If you want to remain anonymous, please leave this blank.
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