“No-Sort” Recycling Program!
The City of Moorhead has transitioned from source separated recycling to “no-sort” recycling. All your recycling can be placed in one container, no more sorting!
Find Your Recycling Week
Residents with Blue Recycling Totes (No-Sort Recycling FAQ's)
Recycling Collection Schedule and Details
Your current recycling schedule will remain the same. Your recycling is picked up every other week on the same day your garbage is collected. Each day is split geographically into A and B weeks.
- Find your recycling day (Monday through Friday) and week (A or B) on the Recycling Map. The calendar on the map will help you find your recycling dates.
Place your recycling tote on the curb before 5 am, 2 feet from any obstacles including garbage totes mailboxes, snowbanks, and vehicles.
Place items in the tote loosely and make sure all your items can fit into one container. If you have extra items, either wait until your next collection day or you can bring the materials to one of the 4 drop-off locations described below.
Accepted and Unaccepted Materials
View the No-Sort Recycling Guide for a list of accepted and unaccepted items. We also offer our recycling guides in four languages—Arabic, Kurdish, Somali, and Spanish. New items have been added such as phone books, office paper, pizza boxes, cartons, and more.
- No Glass. City of Moorhead residents should stop putting glass into blue recycling bins for curbside collection.
- Glass can still be taken to glass-only dumpsters at the drop site recycling locations.
- Woodlawn Point at 418 Elm Street
- Public Works Shop at 700 15 Ave N
- Resource Recovery Center at 3322 15 Ave N
- Glass can also be placed in the regular gray garbage tote.
- Glass can still be taken to glass-only dumpsters at the drop site recycling locations.
- No plastic bags, please!
Plastic bags cannot be recycled through the City’s recycling program. Recycle plastics bags at businesses such as Hornbachers, Wal-Mart, and Target. - For more information about what types of plastic film can be recycled and where, view the List of Acceptable Items.
96-gallon Recycling Totes
The 96-gallon tote is the only size the City offers. If you didn’t receive a tote, your tote is damaged or stolen, or you recently moved into the area, please call Public Works at 218.299.5422 and we will have a tote delivered to your home.
Missed Recycling
If you placed your tote on the curb before 5 am and your recycling was missed please call 218.299.5422. If you didn’t place your tote on the curb in time and you want your recycling pick-up there will be a fee to come back and pick-up the recycling.
Holiday Schedule
If your recycling and garbage day falls on a holiday, both your recycling and garbage will be picked-up the following day. Please place both your recycling and garbage on the curb before 4 am. View our Holiday Schedule.
Recycling Fee
On your Moorhead Public Service bill, each resident will be charged a fee per month. This fee will be charged to your account even if you do not recycle. Click here to view the Recycling Fee.
Storage of Garbage/Recycling Totes:
Store your garbage and recycling totes in an enclosed building, or for exterior storage, place neatly against either the back or side of the structure with lids fully closed. Your garbage and recycling tote should be moved off the boulevard as soon as possible after collection has been completed.
Container Recognition
The recycling container can be identified as either a blue 300-gallon container or a blue dumpster located near the existing garbage dumpster. See below for a list of accepted recyclables.
Accepted and Unaccepted Materials
View the No-Sort Recycling Guide for a list of accepted and unaccepted items. New items have been added such as phone books, office paper, pizza boxes, cartons, and more.
- No Glass. City of Moorhead residents should stop putting glass into blue recycling bins or dumpsters for recycling collection.
- Glass can still be taken to glass-only dumpsters at the drop site recycling locations.
- Woodlawn Point at 418 Elm Street
- Public Works Shop at 700 15 Ave N
- Resource Recovery Center at 3322 15 Ave N
- Glass can also be placed with regular garbage.
- Glass can still be taken to glass-only dumpsters at the drop site recycling locations.
- No plastic bags, please!
- Plastic bags cannot be recycled through the City’s recycling program. Please recycle plastics bags at businesses such as Hornbacher's, Wal-Mart, and Target.
Recycling Fee
On your Moorhead Public Service bill, each resident will be charged a fee per month. This fee will be charged to your account even if you do not recycle. Click here to view the Recycling Fee.
Drop-Off Locations
Please follow these simple rules while using our drop-off sites
Recycling drop off bins are available at several locations in Moorhead:
- Woodlawn Point
418 Elm St S - Public Works Facility
700 15 Ave N - Ken's Sanitation (Cardboard only) West side of facility
2010 28th Ave S - Resource Recovery Center
3322 15 Ave N
A map of recycling drop off locations is shown below or you can download a printable map.
Contact Public Works at 218.299.5422 with any questions about recycling.